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Golf Cart Won’t Charge


  • If at any point during this process the golf cart starts charging, leave the golf cart charger to complete the charging process.
  • Always use safety glasses and protective gloves before working on the mechanics of your golf cart.

The following are basic steps that you can try.

  1. Check our outlet to make sure that you’re getting power to your electrical outlet.
  2. Check the water level in your batteries, using distilled water to refill only. Do not overfill – make sure the water level is 1″ below the top.
  3. Check for corrosion or any loose cables on the batteries.
  4. Check the condition of your charger’s cables (AC and DC cables).
  5. Plug the charger into the wall and the cart and listen for a click. If you do not hear the click, then it’s very likely that your batteries have dropped below the minimum voltage needed to turn on the charger. This is a safety feature.

The following steps should be done by a seasoned professional only. Use extreme caution.

If you don’t feel comfortable doing this process, our team can do it for you or walk you through it in more detail on the phone. You can also bring in the charger and we can test it for you while you wait.

  1. It would be advised to have a multi-meter to check your battery pack voltage and the individual battery voltages.
  2. You will have the possibility of 3 different voltage batteries: 6-volt, 8-volt, or 12-volt.
  3. You’ll plug your golf cart charger into the wall and the cart and leave it in there.
  4. Then you will use a standard automotive charger, hooking it to one battery at a time, regardless of which batteries you have, as long as you hook the positive to positive, and negative to negative. You do not have to disconnect any battery cables for this process. During this process, keep an eye on your golf cart charger to see if it turns on. If your golf cart charger starts charging, STOP charging with the automotive charger and let the golf cart charger complete the charging process. This can take up to 16 hours.
  5. You will charge each individual battery no longer than 10 minutes. If your golf cart charger starts charging, STOP charging with the automotive charger and let the golf cart charger complete the charging process. This can take up to 16 hours.